The concept of magical animals has resonated throughout history in myths of creation, tribal traditions, and across many religions. Familiars usually are small household pets that serve as a witch's companion. According to legend, familiars are sort of like guides, who take the form of an animal. They are loyal guardians and protectors sent to assist them with magic.
The folklore of a witch and her animal familiar is a well-known and often repeated tale. It's not uncommon to see images of a witch clothed in black with an evil black cat or toad at her side. This is an excellent archetype of magic users wielding control over nature, but it's a far cry from the beliefs that started it all.
The concept of magical spirit creatures has resonated throughout history in creation myths, tribal traditions, and religions. Still, it's only relatively recently that magical
For thousands of years, gemstones have been used for healing, protection, and for adornment. Amber was probably the first crystal used for decoration. It is found in Stone Age deposits, as is Jet. Neolithic people were accompanied to the Next World by polished crystal mirrors and gemstone beads. To ancient people, crystals were sacred gifts from Mother Earth. As time went on, they retained their magical and spiritual qualities. Priests, medicine men and women, rulers, and shamans wore the powerful gems as symbols of spiritual and temporal authority.
Talismans and amulets also have been used for protection since time immemorial. Made from precious stones, they are imbued with a magical, protective force and, in many cultures, are believed to carry a divine essence.
In Egypt, gold, silver, and precious stones were used for amulets and talismans because they were considered
The elements of air and fire can be challenging. Rented accommodation often prohibits naked flames, so no incense or candles. How can those quarters be represented without something burning? Everything associated with the element is valid as a representation.
Many people think that Air demands smouldering incense, But this quarter can be rep
The Dark Goddess is so often other it is hard to imagine her as existing within ourselves. Yet while we still see her as other we remain trapped in a polar relationship, struggling against her. Yet in almost every story concerning the Dark Goddess, she is the one with the power. In myth, the Dark Goddess, implacable, enacts her own truths, regardless of the wishes of whoever has come searching for her. If she gives gifts or grants favours it is always for her own ends. The Dark Goddess looks like the force of Nature. How can Orpheus with Persephone, or Inanna with Ereshkigal argue with death, death that comes to all? To them, the Dark Goddess expresses the face of inevitable death.